# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is hosted by Ciberlândia, a Mastodon community dedicated to digital # culture and its intersection with all areas that focus on creativity, society # and human interaction in general, mainly in Portuguese language. # Learn more at https://ciberlandia.pt # # The numeric value between the date and the status text (#...) is the id # of that toot, so you can easily find the URL of a toot. # # By default, you will only see the 20 most recent statuses. # # You can also set parameters "limit" and "offset" in your query string if # you want to fetch more statuses. Please note that you can only fetch up # to 200 statuses at a time. # # E.g. to get the latest 200 statuses: # https://ciberlandia.pt/@marado.txt?limit=200 # # E.g. to skip the latest 200 status, and fetch the 200 previous ones: # https://ciberlandia.pt/@marado.txt?offset=200&limit=200 # # nick = @marado@ciberlandia.pt # url = https://ciberlandia.pt/@marado.txt # avatar = https://ciberlandia.pt/system/accounts/avatars/110/995/967/220/365/140/original/fa4bd5e19794d18f.png # description = Publicações públicas de @marado@ciberlandia.pt 2024-06-16T21:14:59Z (#112628367318587492) The best non-fiction book I've read in 2023 was an academic (and expensive-ish) volume I decided to purchase after spending some time with it, going through it's pages, making sure it was as focused on the topics I was interested as I hoped it to be. If I had no prior access to it, I would have not risked buying it.

Of course, to "go through it before buying" I had to go through a library copy, and there is only one library you can hope to find a book like that: @internetarchive@mastodon.archive.org's Open Library.

Unfortunately, while it keeps generating sales like the one I just told you about, libraries, and Internet Archive's Open Library in particular, are under attack - by publishers!

That is why I signed this petition, and I urge you to do the same:

@paulasimoes https://ciberlandia.pt/@paulasimoes/112628269030219736

I have also decided today is a fine day to make a donation to the Internet Archive, an endeavor that deserves all my love ❤️ 2024-06-16T01:30:51Z (#112623711147570927) History repeats. 
#qotd !["We all thought the war would be over in a few months then," said Rilla wistfully. "When I look back it seems so ridiculous that we ever could have supposed it." "And now, two years later, it is no nearer the end than it was then," said Miss Oliver gloomily. Susan clicked her knitting-needles briskly. "Now, Miss Oliver, dear, you know that is not a reasonable remark. You know we are just two years nearer the end, whenever the end is appointed to be."](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/623/701/773/923/099/original/3ef913096a22d46c.jpg) 2024-06-15T18:22:13Z (#112622025658731894) Viva a semana de quatro dias!
Ou dois, ou seis, ou lá o que é. ![Foto de um sinal que diz: "Encerrado Sexta e Sábado Voltamos Terça-Feira"](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/622/016/110/104/641/original/e5f8ef2e7b78369a.jpg) 2024-06-15T18:13:31Z (#112621991476776540) C​​​ã​​​es Danados - Raindogs Cover Songs

CD disponível pela primeira vez hoje, em Corroios:

15 de Junho - Ginásio Clube de Corroios 

21:00H - Abertura de portas

21:30 - Documentário ADC 35 ANOS - UMA HISTÓRIA EM MOVIMENTO, com realização de Fátima Rocha, e que aborda através de testemunhos, sons e imagens, os 35 anos de existência da editora sediada na Aldeia de Paio Pires.

23:00 - concerto de AMEEBA, banda de Lisboa, que irá apresentar pela primeira vez, ao vivo, temas do seu segundo álbum “Ad Mortem Festinamus” que irá ser editado em Setembro.

🛒 ADC Records - Loja de Música


Conta com o meu contributo com #kokori sobre a forma de 0xC0FFEE. ![Cães Danados, ao vivo e à solta (isto é, dois exemplares do CD físico a serem mostrados para a câmara, frente e verso).](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/621/981/053/723/979/original/bedccfcbb7d0bada.jpg) 2024-06-15T15:32:00Z (#112621356359149422) Os "Sons do Douro" estão de regresso, e a nova formação tocou hoje um belo (mas curto) concerto na Feira do Livro de Lamego. ![Toquem-se as pipas](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/621/340/725/235/042/original/6fd2725343595328.jpg) ![Pipas e cestos de vime como bombos e reco-reco.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/621/341/328/805/469/original/3a2208522b208337.jpg) ![Sons do Douro na Alameda](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/621/341/540/823/341/original/3d690ba445d50230.jpg) 2024-06-13T16:49:42Z (#112610337236916869) A #musiquinta desta semana é sobre #amor, e a escolha da música não foi nada difícil:


"I got love songs in my head
Killing us away" 2024-06-13T16:44:47Z (#112610317936730300) Era uma Vez um Festival Literário-Poético.
Veio uma Feira do Livro, e Zás!, comeu-o.

Este ano #Lamego ganha uma feira do Livro (até agora só havia a Feira do Livro do Douro), mas a "Cidade Poema" passa a estsr englobada nele. Não me parece mal, e até pode parecer-me bem - veremos.

Mesmo, porque há muito para ver. Exemplos:

14 JUNHO - 6ª
17h30| Mesa redonda: “O Papel da Literatura na Formação da Identidade Cultural”
21h00| Concerto: Xinas Late 

15h00| Sons do Douro
21h00| Academia de Música de Lamego (Concertos Primavera) 

18 JUNHO, 3ª
21h00| Grupo de Cavaquinhos da Universidade Sénior; Grupo de Cavaquinhos da Associação Desportiva e Recreativa de Ferreirim

19 JUNHO, 4ª

20 JUNHO, 5ª
21h30| Tenho Pena de acabar assim
Leitura encenada a partir da Obra de Miguel Torga

21 JUNHO, 6ª
18h – Conversas Informais com Alberto Manguel (Argentina)
21h30| Yosune Trio (Venezuela)

16h – Os meus livros - Eu e a leitura
Sessão conferência
18h15| Mesa redonda: 25 de Abril na Literatura Portuguesa
21h00| Academia de Música de Lamego (Concertos Primavera)
22h – Censurados: A música que desafio a ditadura (por Rui David)

17h00| Oficina criativa (Carlos Costa)
21h00| Quinto Império ![Poster da Feira do Livro](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/610/251/068/708/959/original/d65d80cc382007cf.png) ![Poster da Cidade Poema](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/610/253/565/336/485/original/9817107d82516dba.jpg) 2024-06-13T14:28:28Z (#112609781905017211) An interesting summary of the political chaos in #France since the European Elections:

https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1801114239572328663.html 2024-06-10T17:42:42Z (#112593558700116065) "Los síntomas siguen siendo los mismos (tos, algo de fiebre, debilidad muscular, estornudos en algunas ocasiones, dolor de cabeza) y las medidas para prevenirlo no han cambiado: mejor aire libre que interiores masificados, buena ventilación, mascarillas en caso de síntomas o para personas vulnerables cuando tengan interacciones sociales."

#COVID19 #Spain #mask

@COVID19_DISEASE@mastodon.social https://mastodon.social/@COVID19_DISEASE/112593326358588927 2024-06-10T11:18:29Z (#112592047951704858) Who could have predicted... ![A photo of the inside of the BV CD, in front of a computer screen. The CD says "lyrics at bornvillain.com", the computer screen points out that the website no longer exists.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/592/040/903/071/028/original/4f86ac5ec6b19796.jpg) 2024-06-10T11:10:52Z (#112592017994514052) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 24 ![A picture of Marilyn Manson's Born Villain in front of a bigger Manson picture. Both are quite reflective as they're wrapped in plastic, but the CD has a sticker saying: Inklusive der single "NO REFLECTION" und dem BONUSTRACK "YOU'RE SO VAIN" While "You're So Vain" is announced as a bonus track, I challenge you to find an edition of this record without it (spoiler alert: as far as I know, there isn't one, and I've looked for it - at lot).](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/591/997/845/041/113/original/6d22519e61af086a.jpg) 2024-06-10T09:11:16Z (#112591547675417328) There has to be a special kind of hell for spam callers, especially those calling you at sunrise, on a holiday. 2024-06-09T13:33:27Z (#112586916324180059) Ainda só são 14:30 e já estou farto de ouvir falar "do vencedor".

Metam na cabeça: de Portugal hoje vão sair 21 vencedores, não um. 2024-06-08T17:21:37Z (#112582151240872526) @OCRbot@fedi.lynnesbian.space pt 2024-06-08T12:38:00Z (#112581035996801536) The record industry was never better, in terms of revenue: from physical to digital, then from ownership to streaming, it is having exceptional revenue growth, and never was as profitable as today.

In the process, albuns have way to single and EPs, in a tendency to "consume more, lighter, faster". Only now, even a single is being too much for the consumer's attention span:

"Younger consumers are spending so much time on short-clip platforms that it is impacting the amount of time they’re spending listening to full songs."

What the industry is trying to do about it is, obviously, to monetize it better. After all we all it record industry but we can call it music industry too, and as you can see through all that I wrote, the focus is on 'industry', not in the music, musicians or the art. Those, I'm afraid, will remain losing and forgotten, as long as "the industry" manages to keep rising their profit without including their needs in the conversation.

#music 2024-06-07T12:32:05Z (#112575350380810131) É isto que está em risco nas eleições deste domingo: passarmos a ter um parlamento europeu sem Portugal à esquerda nem nos verdes.

Ide votar.
#europeias24 #sondagem ![Sondagem da Universidade Católica: * IL a eleger 1 ou 2 * CDU a eleger 0 ou 1 * Livre a eleger 0 ou 1 * BE a eleger 0 ou 1](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/575/338/066/407/947/original/95104394ba6892ce.jpg) 2024-06-06T15:29:45Z (#112570386702959963) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 23 ![Brave's Searching For The Sun (CD)](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/570/375/720/243/243/original/a87ee3e234385351.jpg) 2024-06-06T10:40:31Z (#112569249384337077) Fortunately, there is noyb:
https://mastodon.social/@noybeu/112568210826004406 2024-06-04T11:27:34Z (#112558109812971787) (surpreendendo ninguém) houve falhas da internet de algumas escolas durante as provas de aferição, deixando os alunos frustrados.

https://www.cmjornal.pt/sociedade/detalhe/falhas-na-internet-bloqueiam-provas-de-afericao-do-8-ano-de-milhares-de-alunos-em-portugal 2024-06-02T23:41:37Z (#112549671574942368) So I tried to reject, of course. I followed a link into Facebook, and things get even more ridiculous: ![A screenshot of the text seen after the link, since copy/paste isn't allowed. In summary, it says: * you have the right to object * submit this form to exercise the right * the objection will be reviewed "in accordance with relevant data protection laws" * IF the request is honored, it will be applied going forward * they still may use info about you, even if you object or don't use their products and services * you can learn about unrelated stuff on their Privacy Policy](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/549/651/960/371/353/original/163fa0f70a6421e1.jpg)