# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is hosted by Ciberlândia, a Mastodon community dedicated to digital # culture and its intersection with all areas that focus on creativity, society # and human interaction in general, mainly in Portuguese language. # Learn more at https://ciberlandia.pt # # The numeric value between the date and the status text (#...) is the id # of that toot, so you can easily find the URL of a toot. # # By default, you will only see the 20 most recent statuses. # # You can also set parameters "limit" and "offset" in your query string if # you want to fetch more statuses. Please note that you can only fetch up # to 200 statuses at a time. # # E.g. to get the latest 200 statuses: # https://ciberlandia.pt/@marado.txt?limit=200 # # E.g. to skip the latest 200 status, and fetch the 200 previous ones: # https://ciberlandia.pt/@marado.txt?offset=200&limit=200 # # nick = @marado@ciberlandia.pt # url = https://ciberlandia.pt/@marado.txt # avatar = https://ciberlandia.pt/system/accounts/avatars/110/995/967/220/365/140/original/fa4bd5e19794d18f.png # description = Publicações públicas de @marado@ciberlandia.pt 2025-01-13T09:21:52Z (#113820310745018899) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyPlant Week 02 ![An outdoors vase with a plant and its three open pink flowers](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/113/820/305/900/170/685/original/f396d63a7f06bece.jpg) 2025-01-12T11:45:02Z (#113815211391590245) It might feel that #chatcontrol is a "modern fight", but it is worth remembering that the attack to #privacy and #encryption is not new and needs to be fought against, again and again.

So, this is my reminder: it was exactly ten years ago that Cameron made an electoral promise to put an end to privacy:
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/david-cameron-pledges-new-snoopers-charter-if-he-wins-election-9971379.html 2025-01-10T18:31:20Z (#113805484397361683) Deadline TODAY:

Call for Co-Creation Bootcamp: Improving civic participation with emerging technologies - Observatory of Public Sector Innovation

"We are looking for developers, designers, researchers, or technologists to join public sector teams to jointly create solutions to civic participation challenges in our co-creation bootcamp in Lisbon from 26 to 27 February 2025."

https://oecd-opsi.org/blog/call-for-co-creation-bootcamp/ 2025-01-10T14:20:38Z (#113804498573319275) #qotd (fitting to today's feelings) !["Will now retire to my room with last weekend's newspapers and their fiendish crossword puzzles and spend the morning 'enjoying poor health,' as my mother used to say."](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/113/804/488/677/295/004/original/6c329c6f0e35f93a.jpg) 2025-01-10T09:29:32Z (#113803353969744410) #fridayreads #bookstodon

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/84,_Charing_Cross_Road ![A picture of Futura's edition of Helene Hanff's "84 Charing Cross Road" (which also includes "The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street").](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/113/803/342/592/627/644/original/30776c78b3baf861.jpg) 2025-01-09T10:29:29Z (#113797927355322708) #musiquinta para #chorar no #bar

Alabama Song:

https://youtu.be/_XAfwHU_JMU 2025-01-07T11:15:34Z (#113786783984418208) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyPlant Week 01

For #2025 I will try to weekly post a picture of a plant. No special meaning, no rules: it doesn't need to be my favorite plant, or a particularly pretty shot, it just needs to be... a picture of a #plant. You're welcome to join me on the #WeeklyPlant hashtag. ![A cactus with several pink flowers, in different stages of development](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/113/786/779/488/784/771/original/c9d637c0aeafd224.jpeg) 2025-01-04T16:48:37Z (#113771106657892263) #petpeeve - when in the middle of a #book series, the publisher decides the books should be 1cm taller 2025-01-03T21:07:07Z (#113766460803204805) My #fridayreads is CBA vol 58, the "C'est Bon Anthology" entitled "Modern Glossolalia or the Erosion of Meaning".

How do we talk when words that used to mean certain things have become so vague that they can be freely appropriated by anyone, for any purpose? And what's up with the currently so prevalent flirting with war, fascism and the dehumanization of anyone who doesn't fit into the unspoken and conveniently unspecified national identity?

Released in 2022, it feels even more up-to-date today.

##bookstodon ![A picture of CBA vol 58](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/113/766/456/040/762/418/original/aefeb2714788b3cf.jpg) 2025-01-02T17:59:42Z (#113760061495120375) My twtxt feed has now been rotated, an archive for the second half of 2024 can be seen here:
https://tilde.pt/~marado/twtxt-2024H2.html 2025-01-02T17:58:35Z (#113760057129957621) (#bwkz64a) <@prologic https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt> is that the reason why https://search.twtxt.net/ is giving an SSL_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR_ALERT error? 2025-01-02T16:24:33Z (#113759687403875156) #musiquinta de #duetos ?

Provavelmente todo este CD (ou mesmo toda a discografia) de #interlock serve, mas para aer só uma musiquin(h|t)a fica escolhida logo a música que abre este disco: skinless.

Aqui o vídeo: https://youtu.be/auW4ShSRtng ![Foto do CD de interlock: crisis//reinvention](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/113/759/672/367/363/986/original/3a42196edaa8b33f.jpg) 2025-01-01T14:25:43Z (#113753557766312964) 🎊🎉 No primeiro dia do ano, dia do domínio público, a @wikimediapt@masto.pt, com o apoio da @ansol@floss.social, publica a Lista de autores portugueses que entram em domínio público em 2025, com os dados provenientes do wikidata, e a Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal publica igualmente uma listagem de autores, a partir dos registos das suas bases de dados. 

Com isto, durante o mês de janeiro, convidamos todos os interessados a criar, melhorar e desenvolver as informações sobre os autores que entram em domínio público e as suas obras.

💻💻 No final do mês, a 23 de Janeiro de 2025, convidamos todos os interessados a participar nas celebrações do dia do domínio público na Biblioteca Nacional, onde decorrerão sessões formativas e um workshop de edição. 

+ INFO: https://w.wiki/_qTRY 📣🔔
Lista: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lista_de_autores_portugueses_que_entram_em_dom%C3%ADnio_p%C3%BAblico_em_2025

#DomínioPúblico ![Cartaz do Dia do Domínio Público 2025](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/113/753/555/481/299/128/original/c1138ffcae72844b.jpg) 2024-12-31T11:20:38Z (#113747167691235837) Vou poupar-vos a ter de lidar com mais uma lista dos melhores discos de 2024 ou algo do género, mas deixo o ano com um lembrete de que ainda podem comprar o tributo aos Raindogs que saiu este ano:

https://anti-demos-cracia.bandcamp.com/album/c-es-danados-raindogs-cover-songs-2 2024-12-30T11:12:01Z (#113741471519252488) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 53

This is the last week of the year and my last #WeeklyRecord.
#MaradoWeekly will continue with a different prompt for #2025! ![Marilyn Manson's "Dead To The World", not the original VHS, but a vinyl record edition with the (music) audio from it.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/113/741/461/263/718/115/original/76d9095d7c0fa4bc.jpg) 2024-12-26T12:32:55Z (#113719140384657106) #musiquinta de #FimDoMundo para a última quinta do ano:


(Sim, mais Marilyn Manson: The Last Day On Earth) 2024-12-23T11:38:25Z (#113701939122754074) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 52 ![O "Tribut'Ó Ti Tobias", dos Charanga](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/113/701/934/529/256/982/original/f9f551063554046f.jpg) 2024-12-21T18:02:51Z (#113692126185684499) O que diz o @BlocodeEsquerda@masto.pt sobre o qie anda o #PSD a fazer, no que diz respeito ao #SNS, à #saúde e à #emigração:


#ptpol 2024-12-20T15:30:39Z (#113685865427961366) In this Internation Day Against DRM #IDAD there are some who are asking to make the DRM problem on the web even worse, adding more restrictions to users, in a way that once again breaks the web by making different browers, OSs, etc have a different behaviour:

Fortunately, there are those who keeps consistently fighting against DRM, in all its fronts.

Today, the FSF is sending a message about DRM on Operating Systems:

And ANSOL is promoting a number of DRM-free sources of culture (music, books, software, etc.): https://viste.pt/videos/watch/31203e97-23fa-43a4-ad3d-1a95a722e406

Earlier this year, Software Freedom Conservancy managed a major win in the US: https://sfconservancy.org/news/2024/oct/31/success-in-2024-dmca-exemptions/

And, as I often do, let me remind you of a good ol' article from FSFE telling you how can you fight against DRM in your country, if you're in Europe: https://fsfe.org/news/2019/news-20191113-01.en.html

How will YOU be celebrating #idad2024 ? 2024-12-19T11:05:51Z (#113679161876236156) Sou o primeiro a participar na #musiquinta hoje?

Esta semana o tema é escolher um tema anterior, e então escolhi um de antes de ter começado a participar na #musiquinta ... "Temas De Abertura".

E o tema de abertura que escolhi foi este:

Marilyn Manson - godeatgod