# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is hosted by Ciberlândia, a Mastodon community dedicated to digital # culture and its intersection with all areas that focus on creativity, society # and human interaction in general, mainly in Portuguese language. # Learn more at https://ciberlandia.pt # # The numeric value between the date and the status text (#...) is the id # of that toot, so you can easily find the URL of a toot. # # By default, you will only see the 20 most recent statuses. # # You can also set parameters "limit" and "offset" in your query string if # you want to fetch more statuses. Please note that you can only fetch up # to 200 statuses at a time. # # E.g. to get the latest 200 statuses: # https://ciberlandia.pt/@marado.txt?limit=200 # # E.g. to skip the latest 200 status, and fetch the 200 previous ones: # https://ciberlandia.pt/@marado.txt?offset=200&limit=200 # # nick = @marado@ciberlandia.pt # url = https://ciberlandia.pt/@marado.txt # avatar = https://ciberlandia.pt/system/accounts/avatars/110/995/967/220/365/140/original/fa4bd5e19794d18f.png # description = Publicações públicas de @marado@ciberlandia.pt 2024-07-27T02:56:05Z (#112856200979112846) E as fotos da noite do terceiro dia deste #ZigurFest 2024 ![MONCHMONCH](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/856/192/990/136/441/original/70d2ea359035a35f.jpg) ![Papié Maché](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/856/193/366/497/316/original/c6c5ebd7af799b79.jpg) ![O Triunfo dos Acéfalos (a partir a loiça toda)](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/856/193/458/971/303/original/72d4128721d28052.jpg) ![Zancudo Berraco](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/856/193/620/696/862/original/2aa559bc2535ea28.jpg) 2024-07-27T02:51:46Z (#112856184059441808) Fotos do #ZigurFest dia 3 à tarde ![Dois em um: conversa sobre Arte e Acessibilidade, também com um pouco sobre o filme que se viu de seguida de Eloísa e Ba com o pessoal do Portas Pra Vida](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/856/171/264/494/100/original/d7db74b0522e4261.jpg) ![Cat Soup no Horto do Castelo](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/856/171/546/655/960/original/6b24e15134241a98.jpg) ![Moira](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/856/171/613/322/487/original/c455bc838f023ed4.jpg) 2024-07-26T02:05:35Z (#112850340150272117) Espero que não estejam fartos dos meus toots sobre o #ZigurFest porque o festival são quatro dias este foi só o segundo. ![Tiago Sousa com o Coro da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lamego](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/850/328/204/420/554/original/49919cbd2b435fdb.jpg) ![Garoa](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/850/328/420/968/676/original/df587fa25bcf13b9.jpg) ![Cíntia com Rezmorah](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/850/328/497/007/196/original/4b5c1f32765e84ef.jpg) ![O Museu de Lamego à noite, com uma faixa na varanda a dizer ZigurFest](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/850/328/571/841/571/original/2d7317c3f85e82a9.jpg) 2024-07-25T18:55:28Z (#112848648850289695) "Eu acredito no Open Source" dizem-me ao segundo minuto de um workshop de voz, e soube logo que estava no sítio certo.

Começámos desconhecidos, terminámos amigos, foi assim a tarde do #ZigurFest dia 2. ![O poster do workshop "Contraciclo vocal: da obra à boca"](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/848/644/888/366/966/original/23040f0bc32a94f2.jpg) 2024-07-25T02:13:56Z (#112844710652753376) So, #CrowdStrike posted a preliminary incident report, and, boy...

1) For them, the problem is the faulty data that was fed to the driver, but not the fact that the driver should not crash when given corrupt or faulty data? One can only hope that's just the bandaid, and the full RCA will also point out the need for enhancements on the parsing side... Surely they've heard of the robustness principle?

2) They'll fix their tests but not test the updates with the actual Falcon running on actual Windows - what could go wrong...

3) They don't see concurrency as a problem when clearly the "reboot 15 times" points to a non-deterministic behavior that should not be allowed.
 https://www.crowdstrike.com/falcon-content-update-remediation-and-guidance-hub/ 2024-07-25T00:03:50Z (#112844199087096847) #ZigurFest 2024, day 1

Yaw Tembe + Norberto Lobo ![Sat on a table, Norberto Lobo on the left, playing on a keyboard, and Yaw Tembe on the right with a trumpet. Beyond them on the screen, a video from Lamego.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/844/183/341/101/193/original/5fd4a4c461d2fb7a.jpg) 2024-07-23T19:37:33Z (#112837489700725166) Então ficais avisados que a partir de amanhã isto vai ser assim: a festa é em #Lamego, o festival é o #ZigurFest, e podem todos vir que ainda vão a tempo.

https://zigurfest.com ![O programa do ZigurFest. Podem lê-lo de forma mais acessível em https://zigurfest.com/PROGRAMA](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/837/478/580/300/675/original/8da0be4ac263f460.jpg) 2024-07-22T21:55:43Z (#112832370703851994) My take on #Microsoft's ludicrous claim regarding #Crowdstrike: ![Guy riding a bicycle meme: 1) (riding the bike) Microsoft: oh look, a Crowdstrike driver that runs anything is fed on a sysfile, let's sign it! 2) (putting stick on the front wheel while riding) Crowdstrike: ships buggy sysfile 3) (fell on the ground) Microsoft: it's EU's fault that Windows allows Crowdstrike to use our APIs!](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/832/361/144/610/091/original/bcf4c28073e422ce.jpg) 2024-07-22T10:09:01Z (#112829591791449292) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 30 ![Dead Kennedys - Kill the Poor (7 inch single)](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/829/588/064/141/459/original/713b8a6d5da80988.jpg) 2024-07-21T17:02:49Z (#112825556633118585) 0 days have gone by since I last scared someone just buy using a #facemask 😞 2024-07-20T15:38:26Z (#112819562532104174) "A solução para um problema destes não é imediata nem fácil, porqie é um problema sistémico", disse @rlafuente da @d3 sobre o "apagão tecnológico" de ontem.

Infelizmente, no dia seguinte, não parece haver grande atenção ou interesse em olhar para este problema... e ficaremos assim à espera do próximo (que não é uma questão de 'se', mas de 'quando'). ![Ricardo Lafuente, presidente da Associação D3 - Defesa dos Direitos Digitais, na Sic Notícias, ontem às 22:47](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/819/557/545/794/209/original/f0eebb15b973531b.jpg) 2024-07-19T20:25:47Z (#112815030082077034) Hoje e amanhã, #TRC à Solta em #Lamego.

Agora com Yellow Beanie. ![Yellow Beanie ao vivo na Alameda](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/815/026/696/393/328/original/108d79340cc91825.jpg) ![Cartaz do TRC à Solta](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/815/027/027/523/945/original/2ea0ad321dd3eef8.jpg) 2024-07-19T14:18:23Z (#112813585460686806) "A computing monoculture is a danger, a security danger, a national security danger. It is a danger on principle. It is a danger in practice. It is avoidable and mitigable, but it is neither cheap nor easy to do so if you have to begin from where we are now."

This text is 20 years old now, but it feels particularly relevant today:
https://www.usenix.org/legacy/event/usenix04/tech/sigs/geer.txt 2024-07-16T09:13:42Z (#112795400448948501) Honest #warning: if you bought concert tickets on #Ticketmaster, check them. 

But also, here's a fixed title. TicketMaster was hacked months ago, resold seats/ tickets to other people, and is letting some people know they lost their tickets and issuing reúne only now. In other words, "Your Ticketmaster Ticket Might Not Work Anymore, Thanks to Ticketmaster," blaming unknown #hackers is absolving TM of their obligations.

https://www.makeuseof.com/ticketmaster-data-breach-leaked-ticket-how-to-check/ ![Screenshot of the news title, "Your Ticketmaster Ticket Might Not Work Anymore, Thanks to Hackers", but "Hackers" was stricken and in front of it "Ticketmaster" was written.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/795/363/903/384/349/original/ebf538a04d1aff8b.jpg) 2024-07-15T11:48:26Z (#112790346584122157) How “essential” are hazardous substances?

👶Chemicals in babies' pacifiers
☠️Forever chemicals in dental floss
💄Carcinogens in lipstick lids

🛑It's time to kick climate & toxic polluters out of political decisions for a #ToxicFreeFuture.

Read the oped from @corporateeurope@mstdn.social :
https://corporateeurope.org/en/2024/01/how-chemical-industry-lobby-pushes-safe-use-exemptions 2024-07-15T11:27:30Z (#112790264262323389) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 29 ![Laibach's CD edition of Spectre, next to its "Party Book".](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/790/244/713/813/313/original/4c97a382afcf505a.jpg) 2024-07-14T15:39:11Z (#112785591581672528) I am wondering if the #PHPledge crowd @phpledge@floss.social has any recommendations on best practices regarding choosing meal venues.

Events often have (and sometimes are only) meals involved - whether it is a dinner party or the lunch and social couple of hours between morning and afternoon talks, etc.. Sometimes it will be catering on the event venue, and health measures are more under the organizers' control, but often enough those meals are going to happen in indoor restaurants. 

So my question is, what measures should a PHPledge-conscious event take in choosing a restaurant? 2024-07-13T15:53:56Z (#112779987277833078) Assina o #JornalMapa:

https://www.jornalmapa.pt/assinatura-do-jornal/ ![Foto do jornal pousado sobre a vegetação. No jornal, a informação sobre como assinar, e que pode ser encontrada em https://www.jornalmapa.pt/assinatura-do-jornal/](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/779/979/677/022/549/original/92d8e88462126249.jpg) 2024-07-12T23:48:17Z (#112776190227839394) Na Madeira, Chega e PSD juntam-se para passar a permitir pesca na Reserva Natural das Ilhas Selvagens.

Tal como diz a #ZERO, "Esta proposta é também incompatível com os objetivos da Agenda 2030, especialmente com a meta de proteger estritamente 10% do mar. Atualmente, Portugal protege integralmente (ou seja, sem permitir quaisquer atividades extrativas) apenas 3% das suas águas, estando muito aquém das metas estabelecidas. Esta situação agravar-se-á ainda mais se houver retrocessos nos pequenos avanços alcançados, reduzindo a área que Portugal tem atualmente de proteção integral."

Aguarda-se reacção do Ministério do Ambiente.

https://zero.ong/noticias/ong-de-ambiente-condenam-proposta-de-abertura-da-reserva-natural-das-ilhas-selvagens-a-pesca-do-atum/ 2024-07-10T23:03:47Z (#112764690604641131) Bugalho na Grande Entrevista a dizer que Socialistas votarem contra Von der Leyen é tão mal como Orban estar ao lado se Putin... estas coisas não se inventam.

Vale a pena relembrar que a posição dos Socialistas não mudou nas suas pré-condições para o voto em VdL, e a que está tremida é igual à dos Verdes e Liberais, e não mudou: "no agreement with the far right."